Ste. Genevieve County Memorial Hospital (SGCMH) Congratulates Alison Griffith on Achieving Dietitian Certification


Ste. Genevieve, MO. After completing her master’s degree, a 1200-hour internship and passing her board exam recently, it is official. Alison Griffith is now a MA, RDN (registered dietitian nutritionist), LD (licensed dietitian).

Alison said the board exam was pretty challenging, so after months of studying, she’s ready to set the books aside for a while. She said she has always had a passion for health and nutrition.

“It’s always been of interest to me, but after I graduated from high school, I really started paying attention to my own health and nutrition and it has turned into a real passion,” Alison said. “I’m passionate about women’s health and the overall health of our community.”

Alison completed a good portion of her internship at SGCMH last summer, working with Laura Selby, RDN, LD, who she considers a great mentor.

“After her internship, we turned her into an employee,” said Laura. “She’ll help us grow our community education, women’s wellness and more. She’s a fast learner and she shares our vision for growing our nutrition services. We’re excited for her. She’s a really good fit.”

Alison said she loves working at SGCMH.

“Everyone has been so welcoming,” she said. “It’s a great place to work and I’m excited to come to work every day. It’s been awesome.”

Alison said one of the reasons people have a hard time eating nutritiously is the media.

“It makes it hard when you’re bombarded with food ads every time you turn around,” she said. “Not to mention the fact that our Standard American Diet spells SAD! That’s pretty true. It’s hard when we don’t have the options in front of us. What’s the most convenient is not always the healthiest. I like talking to patients and helping them find ways to incorporate healthier food in their diet. Even little changes here and there can make a big difference.”

When she’s not talking nutrition, Alison and her husband enjoy the great outdoors, boating and fishing.

Ste. Genevieve County Memorial Hospital is a nonprofit county owned community hospital that works to continue to improve the health and well-being of the community. Our professional staff uses advanced technology and medicine to provide excellent, personalized, and compassionate healthcare. For more information on Ste. Genevieve County Memorial Hospital, visit

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