SGCMH Maternity Care

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Babies have been arriving at Ste. Genevieve County Memorial Hospital since 1969, but what sets us apart is the long tradition of special care and individualized attention we deliver along with each baby. Our Women's Health and Childbirth Center is proud to be a woman-centered care facility and our experienced team of obstetricians, certified nurse mid-wife, nurses and nurse aides help families get off to a healthy, happy start.

Maternity Care is all of the medical services related to conception and delivery including:

• Prenatal care

– Traditional prenatal care is visits with your provider on a monthly basis. At each visit you are one-on-one with your provider. And, tests are conducted to make sure mom and baby are healthy.

• Labor and delivery
• Pain Management
• EFM Telemetry Unit
• Postpartum care (generally for six weeks after delivery)
• Breastfeeding

Your provider will be there throughout the entire process and for the birth of your baby. Once you are ready to deliver, our staff at the Women’s Health and Childbirth Center will provide personal care for you, your new arrival and your family.

Our staff is professionally trained in caring for newborns—and parents. We are happy to help you with your new arrival in any way we can, and we offer you and your family a comforting birth environment that is homelike, private and safe.

To download our Guide to childbirth, postpartum and newborn care click here.

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